Martin Myšička

Mysicka Martin ( born March 9, 1970 in Pribram, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech actor.


Martin Mysicka was born in Pribram and grew up in the small village of Stara Hut. After high school he studied physics at the Charles University and Acting at the Theater Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Both he could successfully complete in 1995. Previously, he played at various theaters, such as the Studio Ypsilon, Národní Divadlo the Divadlo Na and the zábradlí. His screen debut was in the 1996 published and staged by David Ondříček Romance Šeptej on the side of Jan P. Muchow and Tatiana Čecháková - Vilhelmová. For his performance in Občanský průkaz 2011 Bohemian for the Czech Film Awards Leo was nominated for Best Actor.

Filmography (selection)
