Marvel Super Heroes 4D

Marvel Super Heroes 4D (Eng. Marvel Super Heroes 4D) is an animated short film in 4D by the production company Threshold Animation Studios on Marvelfiguren the Avengers and can be seen at London's Madame Tussauds since 31 May 2011. The cinema hall is situated in the former planetarium, which was located in the distinctive green dome of Madame Tussauds. Since April 26, 2012, a different version of the film can be seen with any other action in the New York Madame Tussauds.

Action ( London version )

The superhero Iron Man, Spider -Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America and Ms. Marvel will be invited to Buckingham Palace to receive an award from the Queen for her services. Spider -Man and Captain America are already there, but find a list at the gate that the ceremony has been canceled. Then suddenly a red double-decker bus by the clock strikes the Elizabeth Tower, and flies to the heroes, while Iron Man comes afterwards flown and stop this. In addition, lands a mini from which Wolverine freed. Now you can also see the perpetrator, a giant robot. Together, they create the heroes finally defeat him.

Now the guard at Buckingham Palace turns out personally as Doctor Doom and another fight robot emerges. When he threatens to crush a small dog, Hulk comes to save him. But this seems to have a dog allergy that causes a gigantic sneeze, and also takes the audience. Hulk manages finally to destroy the robots and Iron Man has caught Dr. Doom. However, this may free himself and starts gigantic robot insects that fly into the theater and cause a power outage. Iron Man comes to the aid of the spectators and attracts the insects themselves. Iron Man and Dr. Doom fly into space, while Iron Man can detach from the insects and they explode with Dr. Doom. As Iron Man then threatens to plunge to Earth, he is saved by Mrs. Marvel.

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  • Even beyond the normal 3D also owns the film following extras: If Wolverine strikes with his Adamantiumklingen, you can feel a bump in the seat
  • Sometimes the wind is produced from the seat.
  • During some scenes, the viewer a fine water mist is sprayed in the face, for example, when sneeze Hulk from scratch.
  • The 360 ° screen extends over the entire ceiling, for example, offers a striking starry sky from as Doctor Doom and Iron Man flying into space.