Mary of Bethany

Mary of Bethany (also Bethany, see spelling biblical names) is a figure in the New Testament.

Mention is Mary of Bethany in Biblical narratives in the 10th chapter of Luke's Gospel and in the 11th chapter of John's Gospel. Both representations show similarities but also significant differences ( see Martha of Bethany ).

The tradition of the Catholic Church Mary of Bethany has sometimes been equated with Mary Magdalene, also with that " sinner " who washed the feet according to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus, when he was with the Pharisee Simon guest ( Lk 7.37 to 50 EU). This is probably because according to John's Gospel (Jn 11:1-2 EU) ( Jn 12:1-3 EU) also Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus' feet. It will take but not referred to as a sinner. Mary of Bethany has therefore generally Roman calendar (General calendar) of the Roman Catholic Church does not own Remembrance Day, but July 22 also applies to her.

In the calendar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Mary of Bethany has a Remembrance Day on 29 July, together with her siblings Lazarus and Martha, while reminiscent of Mary Magdalene here on July 22. The Anglican Church commemorates the sisters Martha and Mary of Bethany also on 29 July, the Orthodox Church on June 4.
