Massacre in Korea

Massacre in Korea ( Masacre en Corea ) is a painting by Pablo Picasso from 1951.


The rectangular triptych on the left shows a group acting veränglichst naked women and children, on the right, a group of machine- acting armed soldiers. A valley landscape with river and burning ruins separates these two groups.


Picasso painted the picture in 1951 with reference to the massacre in the North Korean province of Sinchon. U.S. troops massacred between 17 October and 7 November 1950, some 35,000 civilians, as they had occupied this province.

Image quotes

Picasso refers in the composition of Goya's The Execution of the Rebels. He selects a rectangular image format and a triptych as a composition. The woman with open arms in the middle of the women's group cites Jesus Christian iconography.

  • Painting by Pablo Picasso
  • Paintings ( 20th century)
  • 1951