Mathematische Nachrichten

Math News is a journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. It is published by Wiley -VCH Verlag.

The Mathematical messages were founded in 1948 as a publication of the Research Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences in Berlin and mathematical institutes of the Humboldt University of Berlin by Erhard Schmidt together with Georg Hamel, Helmut Hasse, Hermann Ludwig Schmid and Kurt Schroeder and first appeared in the Akademie-Verlag. Currently, the editor in chief Reinhard Mennicken.

The technical focus is on all areas of analysis, algebra, number theory, geometry and topology, fluid mechanics and theoretical aspects of stochastics.

The impact factor of the journal was in 2012 at 0,576. In the statistics of the ISI Web of Knowledge, the magazine ranked 145 of 295 considered journal was placed in category Mathematics.
