
58.51166726.934722Koordinaten: 58 ° 31 'N, 26 ° 56 ' E

Matjama is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community of Vara in Tartu county. It has 49 inhabitants ( 2009).

Location and History

Matjama developed as a linear village on both sides of the highway. Between forest and marsh, the place adds on an arable moraine in nature.

1883 the village library was founded by Matjama, one of the oldest in the area of Tartu.

In Matjama the Estonian theologian and orientalist Arthur Võõbus (1909-1988) was born.

Birgitt Church

The narrow stone church in Matjama was built in 1855. Their is placed a wooden belfry. The oldest of the three bells was cast in 1736 in Stockholm.

The church was built on the site of an earlier building of wood. The St. Bridget consecrated church, whose first documentary information from the 17th century come, was previously burned.

A panel inaugurated in 1925 commemorates the dead of the Estonian Freedom War ( 1918-1920 ).

In the church there is the old cemetery of the village. The last burial took place in the 18th century. In the cemetery is a 24 m tall oak tree grows.
