
Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.. is a Canadian manufacturer of graphics and video hardware, especially graphics cards and video capture cards. The name "Matrox " is derived from "Ma" from Matic and " tro " from Trottier - combined with an "x" for " excellence".

Matrox was founded in 1976 by Lorne Trottier and Branko Matic in Montreal. Even today, the company is family owned and is not listed on the stock exchange.

Matrox Electronic Systems is divided into three divisions:

  • Matrox Graphics
  • Matrox Imaging
  • Matrox Video


During the 1990s, Matrox has been a leading manufacturer of graphics cards for the professional sector and a great competitor of Number Nine. In contrast to Number Nine, however, one could argue in the market. In fiscal year 1998/1999 Matrox achieved a turnover of 550 million U.S. dollars. In the late 1990s, the company moved from the tail end 3D gaming market back (you spared the extremely high development and production costs). Since Intel now the market for office graphics cards dominated (in the form of onboard solutions ) to Matrox had to find their own niche and specialized in the following period on professional graphics cards with multiple monitor ports. With the realignment of the number of employees fell by more than 1450 in 2002 to 800 times, and is currently back at more than 900

Today Matrox graphics cards are mainly used yet where high image quality with high resolution and multiple monitors is important esp. in the medical field, with graphic designers and on exchanges and POS terminals.
