Matzah ball

Matzo dumplings ( Yiddish קניידלעך Knaidlech, singular קניידל Knaidl ) are a popular among Ashkenazi Jews soup ingredient that is eaten especially during Passover, but also on Shabbat and other holidays. In America, matzo dumplings as matzah ball soup and Matzah Ball Soup as are well known and are not only eaten by Jews.


Matzo dumplings made ​​from matzo meal, eggs and some fat. The ingredients are mixed by adding water and salt to a paste, which is left to rest for a bit. Then one forms with wet hands round or elongated dumplings, which one depending on the size can pull 15 to 30 minutes in hot chicken or other meat broth. In addition to shape and size, which can vary, there are two different variants matzo dumplings, hard and soft.

Also a number Mazzeknödel mixtures industrially manufactured offered in the bag in Israel and in the U.S., which are available worldwide in stores with kosher products.
