Maureen Louys

Maureen M. Louys (also listed as Louis; born November 3, 1978 in Liège ) is a Belgian communication expert and show host.


Maureen Louis took effect in 1993, the Cazenovia College in New York as an adjunct faculty member of one, worked for two years as a personal advisor to the President of the Faculty and later took a full time position in the Department of Humanities, Science and Education.

She is the director of the study program for communication, are courses in communication and directs the Cazenovia University Council. Louys has held several leadership positions including a Chair, is chairman of the Faculty Council and beyond, also chairman of the committee for the anniversary celebration of the 175th anniversary of the university. Your primary professional interest is in communication research, media studies and communication in public policy.

TV appearances

She hosted 2005 together with Marcel Vanthilt the Junior Euro Song Contest 2005. Moreover Louys announced at the finals of the competition in 2007, 2009 and 2011 points from Belgium. In 2009 she presented the RTBFs Best of humor.
