May Queen

Since the Middle Ages, it belongs to the German Maibrauchtum that the most beautiful girl in an area to the May Queen was (regional or even Maibraut Maigräfin ) chosen and offered for sale after the coronation on May Theatre up for auction ( in francs called this auction mail marriages). After that the girl was either passed to the highest bidder or an elected May King. The obtained auction money was given to the less desirable girls as support for dowry. Before the auction also a straw doll was made ​​in the image of the Queen of the May of the previous year ( in francs they were called Mailiene ) and burned.

Literary processing

  • Ernst von Wolzogen: The Maibraut. A consecration play in three acts, 1909.
  • Festivals and Customs on the season
  • Festivals and Customs ( Germany )
  • Women