Mayfield (Kentucky)

Graves County


Mayfield is an American small town in the west of the state of Kentucky.

The city is located in Graves County, whose county seat is. The population census of 2000 indicate that it does have a total population of 10,349 inhabitants.

In the 19th century, it moved to a thriving woolen mill, the " Woolen Mills Incorporated ", which specialized in the manufacture of cashmere wool underpants and thus caused in the predominantly rural area of the state for the progress of industrialization. Pride stressed you that many more workers would be employed, than in any other mill Kentucky.

In the winter of 1936/37, the inhabitants of the place had - as well as other communities in the country - a severe flood disaster survive, where many were evacuated.

In December 2004, the German - American tire company Continental has a local production facility despite rising sales figures closed, so an important employer in the municipality has been dropped.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Dick Vance (1915-1985), jazz trumpeter and arranger
  • Place in Kentucky
  • Place in North America
  • Graves County
  • County Seat in Kentucky