Media Luna, Cuba

20.146666666667 - 77.44Koordinaten: 20 ° 9 ' N, 77 ° 26' W

Media Luna (Spanish crescent ) is the name of a city and a municipal district in eastern Cuba in the province of Granma.

The municipality covers an area of ​​373.4 km ² with a population of 37,000, of which 17,000 in the urban area. It is located in the west at the southern end of the Gulf of Guacanayabo and in the east at the foot of the Sierra Maestra.

Media Luna is the birthplace of the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and beloved Celia Sánchez Manduley ( 1920-1980 ). My birthplace is now a museum. It is also the birthplace of the Comandante de la Revolución and Bolivia fighter Juan Vitalio Acuña Núñez ( 1925-1967 ).

Bartolomé Maso | Bayamo | Buey Arriba | Campechuela | cauto Cristo | Guisa | Jiguaní | Manzanillo | Media Luna | Niquero | Pilon | Río cauto | Yara

  • Municipality in the province of Granma
  • Location in Cuba