Medicine bag

A medicine bag is a fetish among the Indians of North and Central America. In it for the carrier sacred objects that have been revealed to him in a vision quest, where usually only the carriers are known even the content. In many tribes the medicine bag was considered the most sacred possession of a man, and one lost his fortune, if you had lost it.

Is different from ordinary medicine pouches mentioned in the Inca tradition Mesa medicine bag a shaman. Never opened the medicine bag of a warrior, so the shamanic medicine bag is more of a bundle in which the shaman kept the sacred objects he needs for his rituals. These may change over time, for example when the shaman symbolically by an object emits another part of his power, or when it is pointed out by a mystical experience to a new object.

  • Native American Culture
  • Shamanism
  • Talisman
  • Cult vessel
  • Textile container