Medium Mark III

The Vickers Medium Mark II was a 1930 constructed multi- tower tank of the British Army. He served as a model for similar vehicles in the German and the Soviet Army.



1926 commissioned the British Ministry of Defense Vickers with the development of a new tank, which should replace the existing medium Mark II. So at Vickers A1E1 Independent originated 1926-1928 three prototypes based on the Vickers with the names A6E1, A6E2 and A6E3. After these design concepts but not proven, it began in 1928 with the development of medium Mark III. This design is similar to the previous yet, but possessed another tower and a better armor. The production began in 1930.


The tank had three towers with a total of three machine guns and a 3- pounder cannon. The vehicle was powered by a V8 engine with 180 hp.

A total of three Mark III were built. One of Vickers and two from the Royal Ordnance Factory at Woolwich. It was not followed by further orders due to the high production rate.
