Meeting point

A meeting is a most prominent place, which allows that a certain group of people einfindet there intentionally or encountered an unlimited amount of people there without appointment. To narrow down the group of people, a meeting may also be a hidden or secluded spot.

Such encounter areas are extremely varied, eg public spaces ( eg monuments or on street corners, bars ( " clubs " ) or in local meeting places ( youth club, house of the meeting ) or larger localities ( forecourts of public buildings, churches ) ) and the like. The type of meeting place is highly dependent on the sense of the meeting and the milieu which meeting ends.

Marked meeting can be found especially at airports and train stations and city centers.

A special form of meeting place is the meeting place to gather in fire or accident, all persons from a building.

Synonym is also used for the timing of a scheduled meeting, the meeting point.

The term is also used by many media as name of radio programs or magazines.
