
Mehurici is a small village in the municipality of Busovača in the canton of Central Bosnia in the center of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The village in the mountains above the village community Kacuni is located about 28 km south of Zenica and about 82 km north- west of the capital Sarajevo.


You can reach the village on one of Kacuni south to the mountain region leading, only partially paved road. The flora houses, next to the very fertile soil, a wide range of coal and Kalkgesteinsablagerungen. The fauna is criss-crossed with wild animals such as wild boar, deer, grouse, etc. Due to numerous illegal hunting events organized by Vera in this region very common brown bear has been brought into very great distress. Exact numbers and statistics are not to get.


A small financial sponsor of the region is the charcoal, which is itself produced by the locals, packaged and then offered in the major cities. Due to high unemployment, there is a large churn rate, which particularly affects the young population. The village itself also acts as a more and more the form of an abandoned mountain village.

44.05055555555617.930277777778Koordinaten: 44 ° 3 ' N, 17 ° 56 ' E

  • Place in the Central Bosnia Canton
  • Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Busovača