
Melchizedek (Hebrew מַלְכִּי - צֶדֶק [ malkit͡sæ ː DAEQ ] " King of Righteousness ", German pronunciation: [ mɛlçi ː zedɛk ] or [ mɛlçize ː dɛk ] ) - also Melchizedek, Melchizedek, Melkisedek - is a figure from the Old Testament, mentioned in Genesis 14.17-19 EU in the context of the Abraham narrative. Named after him is a figure of the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio.

Melchizedek in the Old Testament

According to this passage is Melchizedek the "king of Salem " and " priest of God Most High ." " King of Salem " can be called " King of Jerusalem " or even as " King of Peace " (Salem might here signify peace ) are interpreted and leaves open whether secular power was combined with this royal title. The name Melchizedek can be different translation depending on whether a predicative or nominal meaning of the two parts of the name is seen king and justice: " King of Righteousness ", " Melek is righteous " ( predicative ) or "King 's Zädäq " (nominal). Melchizedek blesses Abraham, then Abraham pays tithes to Melchizedek.

The significance of Melchizedek is that he is the first one ever mentioned in the Bible, priests and that he used for his sacrifice of bread and wine, not meat of sacrificial animals, like the later priests of the Old Testament. Further, " Salem " often referred to as the city of Jerusalem interpreted, and this passage would be the earliest historical reference to this otherwise in Moses books ( the Torah ) not yet mentioned city. In addition, the passage allows conclusions to Abraham, who is mentioned here along with Melchizedek.

Furthermore, Melchizedek is mentioned in Psalm 110:4 EU, a territorial commitment to the Davidic king of Israel, who is also the High Priest: " You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek ."

Christian interpretation

In the New Testament the figure of Melchizedek is expressly stated in the Letter to the Hebrews in chapters 5-7. The book of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek is (Heb 5,6.10 EU) and associated therewith a self- salvation and atonement Christology.

The letter interprets the blessing reception and the tax levy as a subordination of Abraham Melchizedek and therefore a subordination of the old covenant in relation to the new covenant. After the letter of Psalm 110:4 is its fulfillment in the priesthood of Jesus Christ for the following reasons:

  • David as king of Israel ancestor of Jesus Christ ( by 1.6 Mt EU), so " You are a priest ," although David himself was not a priest.
  • Christ's priesthood is eternal, so forever.
  • From Melchizedek neither advantages nor descendants, neither beginning of days nor end of his life are mentioned. Even the royal priesthood of Christ is neither inherited from ancestors nor is it inherited by descendants, and even Christ never dies.
  • The Christian sacrament of the Eucharist is offered after the order of Melchizedek, that is, with bread and wine, so after the order of Melchizedek, without bloodshed and without sacrificial animals.
  • Abraham, who submits to him voluntarily, is considered here as the embodiment of all descended from him Israelites, including the later Levites and their priest's office, which has thus subordinated to the eternal priesthood of Christ. One based on descent priesthood there is no longer adequate, since Christ is the only High Priest.

Melchizedek in Boccaccio

Melchizedek is also called a in the Decameron of Giovanni di Boccaccio ( 1348 ) in the third story of the first day mentioned rich Jew, the Sultan Saladin, as later Nathan the Wise of Lessing's eponymous drama, with the question of the best of the three monotheistic world religions Ringparabel answers.

Melchizedek in Paulo Coelho

In the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho occurs a fatherly advisor, who are located opposite the main character, the shepherd Santiago recognizable as Melchizedek and " king of Salem ". This teaches him that "our only obligation is to fulfill our personal life " and gives him two stones: Urim and Thummim ( Lev 8.8 EU). In the further course is suggested that other persons who are the protagonist on his journey to the side, could be identical with Melchizedek.
