Melinda and Melinda

Melinda and Melinda is a film by Woody Allen from 2004. It is a tragicomedy, which plays in the Manhattan of the present.


Plot of the film is formed by four authors who philosophize about the question of whether life is more tragic or comic. Starting from an initial scene begins one of the authors, who specializes in tragedies at once tragic continue the story, while a second, specialized in comedies author incorporates the same fragments in a comedy. Alternately, both versions are presented: Melinda bursts completely dissolved in a dinner party in Manhattan. Host an actor - ehrgeizzerfressen in the tragedy, unemployed but lovable in comedy - and his wife - once a teacher, once young director. In both versions Melinda tries to marry off, she falls in love both times in a black piano player, in both versions breaks the marriage of the couple. The tragedy ends with a suicide attempt Melinda after the teacher has stretched her piano player. In the comedy Melinda and the actor fall in love and become a couple.


  • Michael Wilmington in the Chicago Tribune wrote that Woody Allen one of the great directors of comedies remain; but the movie was not so great as The City EUR Annie Hall or Manhattan. Melinda and Melinda is partly " classic " and " elegant." Wilmington praised the camera work.
  • Filmdienst 13/2005: " Refined interweaves the film's plot lines and elegant unfolds a game about love, pain and passion. Given the economic carelessness of the protagonists he is beyond the scope of course, hardly an entertaining sleight of hand. "


The comedy was filmed in New York City. She played in the cinemas of the United States, a 3.8 million U.S. dollars. In Italy, EUR 1.4 million were recorded in Spain 3.2 million EUR.

