Menetries's Warbler

Tamariskengrasmücke (Sylvia mystacea )

The Tamariskengrasmücke (Sylvia mystacea ) is a passerine bird in the genus of warblers (Sylvia ). It occurs in southeastern Turkey and the eastern Caucasus. Its name comes from the tamarisk tree, a shrub, where it breeds often.


With 12 to 13 centimeters in length, it is slightly smaller than the Sardinian warbler, the looks they are very similar. She is petite and has a shorter tail dark as this.

Males have a dark, but not velvety black, but matte gray-black head, the fuzzy transition to dark gray back already starts at the back of the head. The flanks are less gray, more whitish. The throat and chest are in Turkey mostly white or pale pink, the Caucasus and Central Asia, but pink or brick red. The eye ring is significantly less intense red, but dull brown.

Females have a sandy brown back and head the same color, light brown edges and a uniform beige - gray-white underside. The eye ring is like that of the male matte brown.


The call is a harsh " tseck ", as in the Sardinian warbler. It calls also scolding alarm " tsche'r'r'r " similar to house sparrows.

The song is that of the Sardinian warbler similar, but softer and slower.

Habitat and Distribution

The Tamariskengrasmücke lives in open forests with undergrowth in open, dry, higher -lying areas and on the outskirts of palm groves or watercourses. They wintered around the Red Sea.

It occurs to the Volga River in southeastern Turkey and the eastern Caucasus on the west coast of the Caspian Sea.


The nest is usually built in tamarisk bushes.
