Mercedes (Uruguay)

Mercedes on the map of Uruguay

Mercedes is the capital of the department of Soriano in Uruguay. It is located 278 km north-west of the state capital Montevideo in western Uruguay, close to the border with Argentina.


The city has 42 032 inhabitants.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay


The city was founded in 1788 by Manuel Antonio de Castro y Careaga under the name Nueva Capilla de las Mercedes displaced 1857 Villa Soriano and is today the capital of the province. It is both the government capital of the province, as well as its cultural center. On July 6, 1857 she was awarded by the Law Ranked # 531 the status of " Ciudad ".


Mercedes is an important center for trade and has a major port. The main economic activities are agriculture and the production of paper.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Luis Aguiar ( born 1985 ), football player
  • Pedro Blanes Viale, painter
  • William Castro (born 1962 ), football player
  • Juan Francisco Costa ( born 1947 ), writer
  • Héctor Hugo Eugui ( b. 1947 ), football player and coach
  • Martin Gramajo, Pianist
  • Eduardo Víctor Haedo, politicians
  • Juan Idiarte Borda (1844-1897), President of Uruguay from 1894 to 1897
  • Roberto Matosas ( born 1940 ), football player and coach
  • Luis Bernardo Pozzolo, politicians
  • Carlos Federico Sáez, painter
  • Henry Trujillo (born 1965 ), writer
  • Francisco Mario Ubillos, politicians