Mercer 3

Mercer 3 is a globular cluster located in the constellation of sign in the disk of the Milky Way and is heavily obscured by this. He was found in 2004 in the data from 2MASS and GLIMPSE infrared survey, and identified in 2008 as globular clusters. Because the absorbance of the obstruction created by the matter of the Milky Way in the foreground, he has a brightness of only 24 like it in the visible and therefore remained undiscovered for long. Mercer 3 is probably 4-8 kpc away and has in which the brightness decreases a radius of 0.7-1.5 pc in half.

Mercer 3 is 12 billion years ago an old globular clusters; the mass is 200,000-300,000 solar masses.


  • Individual globular clusters
  • Sign ( constellation )