Mercure de France

The Mercure Galant also Mercure Gallant is a stylistic influences (incoming this, the keyword Galant ) French -language magazine of the late 17th and early 18th century.

The readers were given with the 1672-1674 and 1678-1714 published monthly expenses a mix of politics, short again and again slightly scandalous stories, poetry, music.

Several Parisian publishers were involved during the course of the publication history of the project. The 1672-1674 moved first episode appeared in C. Barbin, Theodore Girard, H. Loyson in Paris. Central editor was there Donneau Jean de Visé ( 1638-1710 ).

The second episode with her from 1678 to 1714 come out volumes appeared under the publisher's statement " au Palais " in Paris. The central editors were here Donneau Jean de Visé, Thomas Corneille (1625-1709) and Charles You Fresny ( 1648-1724 ).

The project was renamed in the course in Nouveau Mercure galant and finally in 1724 in the Mercure de France. It remained under this title intermittently active to this day. The Mercure de France is currently being cared for by the Éditions Gallimard publishing group.


  • Le Mercure galant: contenant plusieurs histoires veritable ... Paris: C. Barbin / Theodore Girard / H. Loyson 1672-1674 ). Gallica
  • Mercure Galant (Paris au Palais, 1678/ 1682 to 1714 ). Gallica, spending the 1678 and 1682

Online editions available (1672-1791)

  • Mercure Galant, de 1672 à 1674 ( Gallica )
  • Mercure Galant, de 1678 à 1682 ( Gallica )
  • Mercure Galant, de 1672 à 1709
  • Mercure Galant, de 1710 à 1714
  • Nouveau Mercure Galant, de 1714 à 1716
  • Nouveau Mercure, de 1717 à 1721
  • Mercure, de 1721 à 1723
  • Mercure de France, de 1724 à 1778
  • Mercure de France, de 1778 à 1791