
Mesha comes in the Bible both as a place name as a personal name:

  • The place Mesha is mentioned in Gen 10,30 EU. He was regarded as the most important place in the settlement area of ​​the Joktaniter and shall show next Sepphar as the residence of the descendants of Noah.
  • In 2 Kings 3.5 EU a king of Moab named Mesha is mentioned. This king is known by the discovery of the Mesha stele, the oldest extra-biblical testimony of the Tetragrammaton YHWH, as a historical person.
  • In 1 Chr 2,24 EU is called the firstborn son of Caleb Mesha.
  • In 1 Chr 8.9 EU Mesha is the third son of Schaharjim with his third wife Hodesh.
  • Old Testament