
The Mesomycetozoa or Ichthyosporea, so far there is no German term for those who are a taxon within the eukaryotes ( metazoa ) are here classified in the Opisthokonta addition to the fungi (Fungi ) and multicellular animals. The previously also classified into the Mesomycetozoa collar flagellate ( Choanoflagellata ) after Adl. inter alia, viewed as a separate taxon of the same rank level. The name Ichthyosporea refers to the frequent fish parasites in this group ( Greco Ich, fish).


The unicellular Mesomycetozoa are characterized morphologically by at least one stage of development with spherical cells that either has only a dorsal cilium or amoeboid. Some species have a parasitic living spherical stage without cilia with an endospore, others can form a cell wall.


Et al Adl divided into six groups without the Mesomycetozoa classic ranks. Whether this group is indeed monophyletic, is not yet fully understood. To set example Steenkamp et al. 2006 on the basis of molecular biological studies found that the ministerial is probably more closely related to the multicellular animals and represent the Nucleariida the sister group of fungi.

Many species live parasitically, bsp. as parasites of fishes, crustaceans, insects and others. How are types of Dermocystidium parasites on the skin or gills of different fish, frogs and newts. Psorospermium haeckeli occurs in crayfish. Ichthyophonus hoferi can cause strong and economically significant fish kills.

  • Aphelidea
  • Corallochytrium
  • Capsospora
  • Ichthyophonus
  • Ministerial
  • Nucleariida

