Messier 32

Messier 32 (also known as NGC 221 ) is a dwarf elliptical galaxy with dimensions of 9.1 '× 6.6 ' and the apparent brightness of 8.1 mag in the constellation Andromeda.

M 32 is a companion of the Andromeda galaxy (M 31) and thus part of the local group. Messier M 32 is 2.3 million light years away, has a diameter of about 8000 light years away and has a mass of about 3 billion solar masses. Near the center of M 32 are each Kubikparsec star densities as in the central region of the Andromeda galaxy obtained with 5000 suns. Also the size of the central region is similar to the central region of the Andromeda galaxy with 100 million solar masses.

Messier 32 was discovered on October 29, 1749 by the French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil.
