
Metapolitics ( from Greek meta = μετά " after, behind, beyond" and politics ) is the theory of politics, the pure philosophical theory of the state that are not posed by a particular polity or refers to such.

Different ideas

The term appears for the first time in the French -speaking world, namely Joseph Marie de Maistre. Lectures of days annually Schumacher Society published in 1985 under the title " meta-politics " and dealt with issues of international policy, environmental policy and the further development of mankind.

Alain Badiou metapolitics

With his book " About metapolitics " Alain Badiou employs a " emancipatory " ontology of politics. With metapolitics politics is understood as a tried and tested on real and practical thinking. Important for policy is for him doing a democracy, the committee is composed of the political dynamics such as a factory or land occupation. Of these, it borders all forms of regulated and institutionalized democracy from apolitical. Justice and equality that will depoliticized and decommissioned in any institutionalized politics, could only be produced in the actions of individual people. Citing Aristotle, he notes, " The seeker of equality", so is in Badiou institutionalized policy meant to "ignite your most uprisings. "

Ideas of the New Right

After a discourse analysis rather intellectual media - especially the boys freedom - through the Duisburg Institute for Language and Social Research ( DISS ) denote theorist of the New Right, such as Alain de Benoist with the term meta-politics as part of a strategy of " culture war " and the "cultural revolution from the right " the " production of an inter discourse with the claim application specifications for nothing less than to provide meaning of life. '" After the presentation of Armin Mohler that the " spirit rules the world", it is a spiritualized from the right " Gramscianism " formulated. After Charles Champetier and Alain de Benoist is history develop " Although from the will and actions of the people, but this will and this action express themselves always in the context of a certain number of attitudes, beliefs and ideas that make sense of them and steer. " the New Right in France or the " Nouvelle Droite " wants to go to de Benoist these ideas - in the form of " ideas "or myths such as people and nation for the" collective consciousness " - and renew " at the highest level of new synthetic life. " give and by" sense again to offer cross- linking mindset " a " coherent world view " Roger Griffin sees this tendency: " fascism to a purely meta-political figure to transform. " Also by Karlheinz Weissmann presented in the journal Criticón concept of Junge Freiheit, the "occupation of fields in the pre-political space " in order to " let seep information and way of life through a whole capillary ," is from the DISS as metapolitical strategy for " winning of cultural " seen hegemony. According to Karl Heinz white man's Junge Freiheit offer to a subcultural way and "just a subculture guaranteed long-term enforcing its own objectives ."
