Metaxas Line

The Metaxas Line (Greek: Γραμμή Μεταξά ) was the defensive wall of the Greek army during the Second World War along the Greek-Bulgarian border in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. It is named after Ioannis Metaxas, a Greek general and politician who ruled as dictator Greece 1936-1941.

During the German attack on Greece, which began on April 6, 1941, succeeded the German 5th Mountain Division under Major General Julius Ringel, despite strong resistance to break through the Metaxas Line in some places and the remaining entrenched on the line Greek to encircle troops and force them to surrender. On the German side, the 72nd Infantry Division fought with imputed Assault Gun Battalion 191 in the vicinity of bunker hill Ochiron.

With the subsequent occupation of Greece the Balkan campaign came to an end.
