Mexican films: 1896–1919

The list of Mexican movies of 1916, leads all to this year shot in Mexico -length films. This year, the first Mexican film about a hour running time was with the historical film 1810 o los Libertadores de México rotated. Overall, there was this year, two films from Mexico and a shot in New York City, but is generally considered a Mexican film.

The information contained in this list are based on David E. Wilts book " The Mexican Filmography 1916 through 2001 ", has submitted the most complete filmography of Mexico.


  • Title: Call if present the official German movie titles, otherwise the original Spanish title.
  • Director: Call the director or the directors of the film.
  • Genre: Name the genre assignment.
  • Starring: Call three main characters.
  • Features: Runs on features and backgrounds for the film.

Movie List
