Meyer Hills

- 79.7833333 - 81.1Koordinaten: 79 ° 47 ' S, 81 ° 6' W

The Meyer Hills are a group of hills in the Heritage Range, the southern part of the West Antarctic Ellsworthgebirges. The hills lie between the Enterprise Hills in the west and the head of the ice-filled bay Constellation Inlet in the east.

The highest peaks are Seaquist Peak ( 800 m ) in the northwest, Holt Peak ( 850 m) in the northeast and Beaudoin peak, with 980 meters the highest peak in the southeast. Just south of the hill are the Weaver nunataks.

In the summer of 1962-1963, an expedition from the University of Minnesota visited as part of their exploration of the Ellsworthgebirges the Meyer Hills. They named the group of hills by Harvey J. Meyer, one of the geologists of the expedition.
