Michael II

Michael II (Greek Μιχαήλ B ', called " the stutterer " (ho ho Psellos ὁ Ψηλλός or Traulos ὁ Τραυλός ) or " the Amorier " (ho Amorieus ὁ Ἀμοριεῦς ) * 770 in Amorion in Phrygia; † October 2 829 Konstantin in Opel ), was Byzantine emperor 820-829 and founded the dynasty amorische. He began his career as a soldier, but rose due to his skills on to become a general.

Michael had supported the enthronement of known him Leo ( 813), but was then, as a conspiracy was discovered against the emperor, was sentenced in December 820 to death. His followers, however, managed to murder Leo to get Michael out of prison and to sit on the throne as the first member of the dynasty Amorischen or Phrygian dynasty (after the region of origin Michaels II ).

Several features characterize his government: The battle against his former comrades in arms, the General Thomas, who claimed the throne for himself ( 820-823 ) in alliance with Khan Omourtag; the conquest of Crete by the Saracens 823 and the beginning of their attacks on Sicily 829

Despite his iconoclastic sympathies he tried to appease the images admirer, but drew the wrath of monks, when he entered a second marriage with Euphrosyne, the daughter of Constantine VI.
