Michele Cipolla

Michele Cipolla ( born October 28, 1880 in Palermo, † September 7, 1947 in Palermo) was an Italian mathematician.

Cipolla was at the Universities of Catania and Palermo professor of analytical mathematics and a member of various astronomical and mathematical societies. He developed a theory about the consequences of quantities and solved the problem of binomial congruences.


  • Opere (Eds.: Guido Zappa ) Sede della Soc, Palermo 1997, xxxii, 547 S.: Ill. ( Supplement ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Ser 2, No. 47. ).. .
  • Storia della matematica dai primordi a Leibniz. Soc. Ed. Siciliana, Mazara 1949. 174 S.