
Mikrobarome (English microbaroms ) are weak low-frequency superpositions of air pressure. They can be used as single or pressure fluctuations occur as a coherent pressure waves over a period of time. They are part of the background noise that accompanies the air pressure.

The cause of Mikrobarome both the weather patterns are responsible as well as a coupling of high seas ( during storms ) with the atmosphere. As infrasound events they have because of the low damping of the atmosphere in this frequency range, a large range of thousands of kilometers and can be registered with sensitive barometers micro. The main energy of the Mikrobarome ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 Hz, with a peak at 0.2 Hz, the pressure fluctuations are less than one Pascal (Other Information: 0.1-1 microbar ).

Currently, data can be exchanged to Mikrobaromereignissen not yet practical to use. There is no possibility of this data, such as a weather forecast to use. However, the knowledge of this phenomenon is important to indicate infrasound events properly. With the help of infra-sound recordings is worldwide practice of banning nuclear tests, under the Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water, monitored. Mikrobarome sometimes produce signals that can be confused with the pressure waves from atomic bomb explosions.
