
The term microcirculation is known in medicine, the blood flow and mass transfer in the smallest blood vessels with a size smaller than 100 microns (eg, capillaries, arterioles, venules ), the so-called microvessels.


The microvessels lead the blood and vital with it oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body and transport in return waste products and toxins from the cells. In the capillary region, the so-called terminal vessels, the blood flows at a rate of only 1 cm in 20 s, which is required to make the measures provided for in the terminal vascular exchange of nutrients and waste materials ( metabolic end products ) is possible. To enable this slow flow of blood and to keep it constant, especially the arterial blood vessels to widen or narrow maximum.

The oxygen supply to the tissue depends on the red blood cells ( erythrocytes). These blood cells are much larger than the diameter of most of the capillaries. The red blood cells must be able to therefore extremely deform to pass through capillaries can. Here the so-called Fahraeus - Lindqvist effect, which explains the decrease in the apparent viscosity of a suspension with decreasing vessel diameter acts. The deformability of erythrocytes, their oxygenation, blood viscosity and blood pressure are essential for an adequate supply and disposal of the body cells.


Due to pre-existing conditions or unhealthy lifestyle such as

  • Hypertension,
  • Smoking,
  • Lack of exercise,
  • Diabetes,
  • High cholesterol and
  • Stress

The vessel inner walls of blood vessels are attacked. It deposits form ( so-called atherosclerotic plaques) and impede blood flow. When the blood microvessels can no longer pass through unhindered arise disturbances of the microcirculation and it threatens an underprovision of individual body cells, leading to cell aging and may even cell death (necrosis). cause. Signs of a disturbed blood flow in the microvessels may be following many complaints. For example: When loss of memory and concentration power or dizziness, with disturbed cerebral circulation. But even in the ears ( tinnitus) or claudication may be caused by a disturbed microcirculation.


Object of treatment must be not only the current path of the smallest vessels, but also disease-specific aspects of the flow properties of blood, the cell membrane flexibility and adhesiveness, the interaction of blood components with each other and the vessel walls.

Drugs can increase the fluidity of the blood by increasing the deformability of red blood cells and debris on the vessels can be removed with ultrasound.

To prevent this malfunction everyone can itself contribute by healthy lifestyle: reduce smoking, avoid stress, move a lot, eat a healthy diet and plenty of fluids to take ( at least 2 liters throughout the day ), use of the sauna.
