
An important criterion for a malignant tumor is invasive growth behavior. This means that the tumor growth exceeds his organ boundaries. So then blood and lymphatic vessels are infiltrated. In this way, tumor cells settle down, they disseminate. ( = Dissemination sowing / propagation ) This disseminated tumor cells ( DTZ ) are then immunochemically detectable eg in a lymph node. On the hematogenous route to DTZ found in the bone marrow again, here they are also immunochemically detectable. From a micrometastasis is when a cell structure has reached a size of 0.2 to 2 mm.

Importance of DTZ / micrometastases

Not out of any disseminated tumor cell results in a metastasis. DTZ are in an inactive state, the G0 phase of the cell cycle. However, some mature into metastases and thus significantly influence the prognosis for patient survival. Why is a metastasis from a few cells from another is not, is not yet clear. The presence of micrometastases indicative of an unfavorable prognosis and therefore influenced the therapy concept.

  • Disease in hematology and oncology