
Micro-sleep is the term for fatigue attacks. This is an unwanted dozing for several seconds. Focus on the long -known problem is related to road safety and accidents at work.

Who jumps into tired, vulnerable to co-moving and other road users. According to the German Road Safety Council as " one in four fatal accident on motorways (...) caused by briefly nodding off " is.

Causes and symptoms

Causes are lack of sleep or a sleep deficit over days or weeks, driving and operating in times where people normally sleep, long waking hours, long drives without rest breaks, alcohol and heavy foods, changing sleep patterns in shift workers and diseases that affect the sleep have ( sleep ) and daytime sleepiness result. Among the best known among them is one of the sleep apnea syndrome. A gain on the fatigue is the effect of being able to engage repetitive activities.

However, contrary to popular opinion, the micro-sleep can also proceed with open eyes and physically present in a resting state. The cause is, for example, to see in a comfortable sitting posture, with the baroreceptors along the spine indicate an idle state and thus in the brain Weckzentrum is turned off. When the sensory perception of the eyes additionally calls attention through monotonous visual impressions, the brain activity is reduced to the extent that reaction times of several seconds are the result.

Signs of an impending seconds sleep can be:

  • Difficult expectant eyelids,
  • Burning or aching eyes,
  • Dry mouth,
  • Yawn that can be suppressed little more,
  • The need to massage the bridge of his nose,
  • Slight chill,
  • Repeated startle from inattention.


The only effective remedy for fatigue is enough restful sleep. If the first signs of an impending seconds to sleep while driving a vehicle or operating machinery, it may be too late later seconds.

  • Perhaps the most efficient way to prevent a dangerous micro-sleep is a ten - to twenty-minute sleep immediately after the onset of fatigue symptoms.
  • In no way should you stay awake during car trips by increasing the volume of the radio or through a conversation with the passenger. The spontaneous fatigue can only be counteracted by an adequate (sleeping) break.
  • Remedy for little restorative sleep often gives greater consideration of sleep hygiene and observing your own behavior.
  • Medical examination in a sleep laboratory.

Warning systems

Since 2009, various vehicle manufacturers offer warning systems against nodding off as part of their driver assistance systems. The fatigue detection tried this by evaluating various parameters, such as the observance of the track or steering movements to draw conclusions on the driver's drowsiness and trigger various warning measures as required. Like all supporting systems do not replace responsible behavior. You can make the driver only to possibly necessary breaks attentive but not reliably prevent sleep.
