Midgard (Software)

Midgard is an object-based software framework for database-driven web and desktop applications. Midgard was originally designed for web application development such as web content management systems in PHP, but also now offers language bindings for the programming languages ​​Python, Java and C #.

The Midgard Project uses a system modeled on Ubuntu version model, that is, twice a year is a new main line of development released. The revisions to the current 8:09 Series include, among others, a built-in replication interface and D- Bus support.

Another main feature of the Midgard framework is the database abstraction layer MgdSchema that manages based on XML descriptions, the structure of the database tables and provides individual entries as objects in the different supported languages ​​.


With the built- ACL system is different role concepts can be realized, so that for example designers and page authors can have different access rights for individual database objects.

The application logic is organized in reusable Midcom Components whose data structure of a system of so-called data manager scheme is widely adjustable. Website content is organized into topics, which are connected to the respective competent component.

The layout is realized by a system of written in PHP, HTML and CSS element that are assigned to the topic. Styles and Style Elements are organized in a tree structure, support inheritance and are reusable.


The Midgard Framework is basically free software; the licensing of the subcomponents of the software is subject to the following model:

  • Midgard core libraries ', " MIDCOM "': GNU Library General Public License;
  • Official documentation: GNU Free Documentation License (GNU GFDL )


The Midgard architecture consists of the following core components:
