Migdal Afek

Donjon of the castle Mirabel (2008)

Mirabel (Hebrew מגדל אפק ( Migdal Afek ) or Migdal Tsedek, Arabic Mejdel Yaba or Mejdel Sadiq, Latin: Mirabellum ) is a Crusader fortress in Israel today.


The ruins of a hilltop castle located about 17 km east of Jaffa on a hill at the pass of Afek.


1134 brought King Fulk of Jerusalem Mirabel to an independent rule in the County of Jaffa. The rule was awarded as fief to Barisan of Ibelin. This was built in the following years on the remains of a Roman-Byzantine previous building the hilltop castle.

When Mr. Mirabel followed by Barisans death in 1150 of Manasseh Hierges, who had married the widow Barisans Helvis of Ramla. Manasseh was a cousin of Queen Melisende and was from 1140 as a constable of the most powerful officials of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. In the struggle for the throne between Queen Melisende and her son Baldwin III. Manasseh stood firmly on the side Melis end. Baldwin III. besieged Manasseh finally in 1152 in his castle Mirabel. Manasseh had to give up and was exiled.

Barisans son Hugh of Ibelin then took over the rule of Mirabel. After the death of children, Wi inherited it in 1170, his brother Baldwin of Ibelin.

On the hills around the castle, a Frankish settlement was formed. This was in 1177 sacked by the advance guard of Saladin, before it was, for the time being repulsed at the Battle of Montgisard also attended Baldwin of Ibelin as commander participated. After the Battle of Hattin Mirabel was finally conquered by Saladin's brother al - Adil in July 1187. Unlike many Crusader Castles Mirabel was not apparently dragged by the conquerors, or at least it is mentioned 1191/1192 as owned by the Ayyubids. During the 13th century, it was abandoned.

In the 17th and 18th century, the castle built by the Ottomans was again used as a fortress.


In particular, on the western tower one can easily see the crusaders construction. The walls are 2 feet thick. There is a Greek inscription above the entrance. The stone is a recycled piece from the 4th - 5th Century, the inscription reads " Martyrdom of Saint Kerykos ". Kerykos was a martyr from the time of the Roman emperor Diocletian (reigned 284-305 ).

In the Ottoman period the castle was partly built over. At the central Donjon and the curtain wall itself but leaves the structure of the Crusader castle still recognize.
