Mike Smith (drummer)

Mike Smith ( * July 1970 ) is an American death metal drummer from New York City. He is best known for his work with the influential death metal band Suffocation, in which he was a member from 1990 to 1993. Then he got out of the band and came almost ten years later in 2002 back to the band. At the time of his absence Dough Bohn took over and later Dave Culross his place with Suffocation. In 2007, Smith starred as guest drummer for the song Suffocated to Death by God 's Shadow of the American rapper Necro, released on the album Death Rap.

Suffocation were known primarily by the specific drumming of Mike Smith. It combines blast beats with trailing drums passages. His distinctive style of playing influenced Joey Jordison of Slipknot (according to interview statements by Jordison ) in a special way like many other drummers from Death Metal to Nu Metal.

