Mikhail Ostrogradsky

Mikhail Vasilyevich Ostrogradski (Ukrainian Михайло Васильович Остроградський, scientific transliteration Mihajlo Vasil'ovič Ostrograds'kij, Russian Михаил Васильевич Остроградский / Michael Vasilyevich Ostrogradski; * 12 Septemberjul / September 24 1801greg in Poltava, .. † December 20 1861jul /. January 1 1862greg. ) was a ukrainian- Russian mathematician.

From 1816 to 1820 he studied physics and mathematics at the University of Kharkov in the second largest city of Ukraine. 1820 his teacher Timofei Fedorovich Ossipowski ( 1765-1832 ) was suspended on religious grounds. Back then continued with the appointment (1816 ) of Prince Alexander Galitzine Fyodorovich to Minister of Education a reaction against liberal tendencies one. They threw Ossipowski before officially for not convincing enough of God pronounced a formula in a rigorous examination. Ostrogradski should repeat the passed already at Ossipowski doctoral examination afterwards, but refused, and never received a doctorate degree. Instead, he went to the then leading mathematical center in Europe after Paris, where he studied at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France from 1822 to 1826. His teachers were Pierre -Simon Laplace, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Adrien -Marie Legendre, Siméon Denis Poisson, Jacques Philippe Marie Binet and Augustin Louis Cauchy.

In 1828 he returned to Saint Petersburg and was chosen because of three submitted works on the theory of heat and Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1831 he gave a formal proof of the Gaussian integral theorem, which is therefore also called Gauss - Ostrogradski. He wrote also in Russia then used textbooks and founded in Saint Petersburg school of theoretical mechanics. It dealt mainly with mathematical physics such as hydrodynamics and elasticity theory, mechanics ( a treatise of 1840 began the study of ballistics in Russia), with partial and ordinary differential equations and algebraic functions and their integrals in the wake of Niels Henrik Abel.

In St. Petersburg he held from 1828 lectures at the Naval Academy (he was a professor at the Military engineering university) and he also lectured at the University of Education (1832 ) and the Institute for Communication. As of 1847, he oversaw the mathematical instruction in the Russian military schools.
