Milan Ohnisko

Milan Ohnisko (* July 16, 1965 in Brno ) is a Czech poet and editor. He is a well known figure of the Czech underground. He attended a high school, and made a study for librarians, but has never matured. He had a book publisher with an attached bookstore.


Ohniskos poetry is a mixture of Naive Art with puns and punch lines as well as rational Neodekadenz with tragic feelings and Quijotismus of outsiders who fights against the current. He uses and combines naivety, irony, humor and absurdity.


  • Obejmi Demona! (2001)
  • Vepro knedlo zlo aneb Uršulinovi dnové (2003)
  • Milancolia (2005)
  • Býkárna ( with Ivan and Michal Wernisch Šanda ) (2006 )
  • Love! (2007)