
Miliaria (synonyms Schweißfrieseln, sweat bubbles, Schwitzbläschen, heat rash, heat -pox, Red Dog, dermatitis hidrotica, Hidroa or sudamina ) is the medical term for a usually itchy rash that is caused by increased sweating in hot weather. The treatment consists in the wearing of the climate adapted, loose clothing and possibly the application itch -relieving medications.


With increased production of sweat due to the heat it comes to a closure of the ducts of the sweat glands. This can occur at various depths of the skin, thus justifying different symptoms and a corresponding division of miliaria.


At closure of the ducts in the epidermis (the epidermis) miliaria rubra the results. Miliaria cristallina is called the rash if used as water-white light bursting bubbles by closure in the horny layer of the epidermis. If the bubbles content milky, ie the rash miliaria alba. In contrast, follows at closure in deeper layers ( papillary dermis, dermis) miliaria profunda one.


Preferably on covered areas of the body such as the trunk, in infants and in the diaper area, initially, developing intense erythematous patches and nodules ( papules ). In areas where skin on skin is ( armpits, groin ), take the changes. From the nodules occur secondary itchy or burning blisters with clear or milky contents.


The diagnosis can be made clinically by the collection of medical history (anamnesis) and the typical rash. In a skin biopsy is an accumulation of inflammatory cells around the ducts of the sweat glands would histologically next to the bubble show.


First and foremost part of the treatment, the choice of a suitable and sufficiently airy clothes. The rash can be treated externally with desiccating action, a so-called Trockenpinselung example with zinc oxide shake mixture. With severe itching and oral antihistamines are used.
