Military Virtue Medal

The Military Medal for Bravery was instituted on 25 November 1880 Prince Carol I of Romania in two classes and could be awarded for extraordinary bravery to officers, NCOs and men. With the introduction of the Military Order of Michael the Brave on 21 December 1916, the Medal of Honor was awarded the highest distinction for sergeant and teams.

Order decoration

The religious character is a product manufactured from bronze gilded ( First Class ) or silvered ( Second Class ) Cross, meanwhile, cross arms runs a dense oak wreath. In the medallion to the right turned breast picture of the founder with the inscription CAROL I. DOMN AL Romaniei ( Carol I Prince of Romania). The rear of the two-line inscription virtute Militara ( Military Merit ).

Carrying method

Was driven over the award to a red ribbon with light blue border strip on the left chest.


With the award of the Military Medal for Bravery, a monthly honorarium was connected since 25 December 1916.
