
  • Xosé V. Ferreirós
  • Nando Casal
  • Xosé A. F. Méndez
  • Moncho García
  • Laura Quintillán
  • Antón Seoane
  • Nando Casal: Gaita, Clarinete, Whistles, Cromorno.
  • Xosé AF Méndez: Flauta Travessera, flautas de pico
  • Moncho García: Bodhram, tamboril, Percusión.
  • Laura Quintillán: Violín.
  • Antón Seoane: Guitarra, Acordeón, teclados.

Milladoiro is a gallicische folk band that emerged in the late 1970s from the merger of the groups Faiscas do Xiabre and the musicians Antón Seoane and Rodrigo Romani. It positions itself in the field of traditional Celtic music of Galicia and tried to keep the sound of such instruments as the Galician gaita bagpipe, clarinet, ocarina or bouzouki in folk music practice alive.

Milladoiro be considered as important ambassadors of the Galician culture. In addition to numerous own productions they played the soundtrack for the film La mitad del cielo by Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón which they received the Spanish Goya Film Award for Best Soundtrack. In addition, they received honors and awards from various organizations including the Premio Castelao the Galician regional government ( Junta de Galicia ) in 2004.


  • Spanish band