Miltiades the Elder

Miltiades the Elder was an Athenian, the mid-6th century BC founded a principality on the Chersonese peninsula, today's Gallipoli. As the ancient historian Herodotus, the resident thrakischstämmigen Dolonker were threatened by the neighboring Absinthiern and turned to the oracle at Delphi. This advised them to seek military assistance to Greece. In Athens, the Dolonker met now allegedly Miltiades, who, dissatisfied with his personal situation under Pisistratus, resettlement willing gathered around and set off to the Chersonese.

In a campaign against the city of Lampsacus Miltiades was taken prisoner and released on Lydian king Croesus of intervention again.

After Miltiades 's death, the rule went to his nephew Ithagoras. After this had been murdered, his brother, Miltiades the Younger, the commander of the battle of Marathon came to power.
