Minas (Uruguay)

Minas on the map of Uruguay

Minas is the capital of the department Lavalleja in Uruguay.

  • 5.1 traffic
  • 5.2 Education
  • 5.3 Attractions


Location and landscape

The city is enclosed in a valley, northeast of Montevideo in 122 km. Nearby, about 305 meters tall Cerro Arequita is. About 20 km northeast of the Minas is the Parque del Salto Penitente. Settlements in the vicinity of Minas campanero north, Barrio La Coronilla southwest, San Francisco de las Sierras south-east and the somewhat more distant Villa Serrana in the east-northeast and Estación Solís in the West. Through the city leads to the south and west edge of the Arroyo San Francisco, where the discharges into the Arroyo La Plata.

Mineral resources

About five kilometers east of Minas exisitieren gold deposits. There is the gold mine Mina Arrospide.


The city has 38 446 inhabitants (as of 2011), of which 18,289 male and 20,157 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

Origin of the name

Around the city there are many mines and tunnels, to which the name " Minas " is due.


The town was founded in 1783, as settled 152 settlers from Asturias and Galicia here. The town is renowned for its cultural heritage.



Minas is located on the Ruta 8 In addition, in Minas ends a railway line from Montevideo. The AFE operates the line currently only for freight, but the citizens of Minas already collected signatures for an extension of the set in 1988 passenger traffic from the current endpoint Sudriers up to Minas.


Minas is home to several educational institutions, such as the Liceo N º 2 Molino Viejo, the Colegio y Liceo San José or the Escuela N ° 102


In Minas on Cerro Artigas, the largest horse statue in the world is in memory of General José Gervasio Artigas.


Sons and daughters of the town

  • Sebastián Abreu, football player
  • Raúl Ballefín (1923-2013), basketball player, coach and journalist
  • Aníbal Barrios Pintos (1918-2011), historian
  • Inzaurralde Santos ( born 1925 ), writer and politician
  • Leonardo Pais (* 1994), football player
  • Alfredo Vidal y Fuentes (1863-1926), politician and physician