Mindanao Times

Mindanao Times is the oldest newspaper in Mindanao, Philippines. It was founded in 1946 and is published daily in English. The editorial office is located in Davao City.


During the Second World War, the newspaper was by the Japanese, who occupied the country when Davao Times published. After American troops had liberated Davao City, took over the Philippine Civil Affair Unit ( PICAU ) No. 29, the 24th Infantry Division of the United States Army publication.

A group of Filipinos, led by the lawyer Guillermo E. Torres and Pedro M. Latz, bought the former weekly newspaper in January 1946 and named it Mindanao Times. As of 1950, the newspaper was published daily. In addition to local and national events and global news agency United Press International are printed. The daily edition was discontinued after about a year. From now on, the newspaper reappeared a week. A short time later, Torres took over the newspaper of the Mindanao Times Inc. and led them into a new company names Mindanao Publishers Inc. Until September 2, 1997 Mindanao Times appeared three times a week, then again every day.
