Mineral spring

As a mineral source refers to a source that produces bottled water. From the standpoint of the geologist or geochemist the distinction between mineral springs and a " source " is a question relatively arbitrarily defined limits of mineralization of its waters. The views have changed considerably in the course of history. Early statements about mineral waters and their source locations can be found in Johann Theodor Tabernaemontanus and Martinus Ruhlandus.


The source leakage of mineral waters is carried out in a column of the surrounding rock or on top of a water-impermeable layer in the rock. In the latter situation, several mineral springs can occur side by side. The exit plane is referred to as source horizon. Is a prerequisite for a mineral spring that the water contains a significant amount of dissolved minerals. These can be derived from the rock immediately surrounding or were transported over long distances in the water up to the point of exit.

Mineral resources are natural or created by human exit locations of mineral- containing waters in nature. They may occur in original condition or have been taken for the purpose of its use by structural conditions. Some mineral sources are the public transport accessible, others are integrated into operational processes of a mineral water plant or the spa.

In general, in Germany, the set for the commercial use of such waters definition of mineral and table water - Regulation of 1984. This means the emerging groundwater must contain at least 1,000 mg of solutes or 250 mg carbon dioxide per kilogram of water. In Austria, the question is governed by the spring water and mineral water - Regulation 1999 under a government recognition procedure. In Switzerland, the definition is not based on specific levels of natural dissolved minerals. Here, according to the Food Regulation (Art. 279) natural mineral water ... microbiologically wholesome water, which is particularly careful obtained from one or more natural sources or from artificially developed underground water resources.

Due to the high levels of dissolved minerals is called such sources to a " healing " effect. They are used for drinking and bathing.

Mineral elements

Characteristic ingredients of medicinal sources include specify:

  • Chlorides, bromides, iodides, carbonates and hydrogencarbonates
  • Sulphates of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, iron, and manganese,
  • Rubidium and cesium (as trace elements)
  • Lithium, barium, aluminum
  • Copper, lead, and zinc ( in small amount )

Also, comes very regularly silica prior, rare fluorides, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, arsenious acid, boric acid, free sulfur and hydrochloric acid, etc.. Organic substances are found only in small quantities. In gases, the mineral springs in dissolved form:

  • Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide ( " carbonic acid ", often in very large quantities )