Mirabel, Ardèche

Mirabel is a municipality with 468 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Ardèche in southern France. The municipality covers an area of ​​nearly 20 square kilometers and lies at an altitude 210-685 m asl The medieval old town was conceived many years in decline and has been renovated in recent years. It is located below a formation of Basaltlavasäulen belonging to the Plateau du Coiron.

Above the plateau are the remains of two castles, which were destroyed in 1628 in the Wars of Religion. One belonged to the Catholics Laroche, the other the Protestants Arlempde de Mirabel. With few walls only a black tower has been preserved, which can already be seen from afar.

The name " Mirabel " supposedly derives from the overwhelming view from that, this village.


In Mirabel agricultural reformer Olivier de Serres lived ( 1539-1619 ). His Hofgut " Domaine du Pradel " is still in operation today and houses a museum.


Mirabel was from 1981 to 2004 annual meeting of Eastern and Western European artists, particularly from Poland, Hungary, Italy, Germany and France.

The many stones lying around the place are also the starting point of the global art project World Eye - The path of stones.


  • Darmstadt - Kraków - Mirabel, Krakow: Wydawn. Towarzystwa Przyjacio Sztuk Pieknych, 2002, ISBN 83-88121-70-7, 83-7323-215- X.
  • The path of stones, 2005, the Cultural Office of the City of Neu -Isenburg
  • The path of stones, 2006, Arts Archive Darmstadt