Miranda (programming language)

Miranda is a purely functional programming language developed by David Turner based on the previously developed by him programming languages ​​SASL and KRC, and includes concepts of programming languages ​​ML and Hope.

She was spiritual model for the later developed the Haskell language, which has many similarities with Miranda.

The programming language Miranda published in 1985 was the first functional programming language that was not designed for use in the science, but for commercial use.

Since 1985 interpreter written in C for Unix systems, there were no further developments, so that the language can be considered dead today. However, Miranda is often used as a teaching example of functional programming languages ​​, as their complete reference includes only about 30 pages and is therefore compared to other languages ​​fairly easy to learn.


The name comes from the character Miranda from Shakespeare's The Tempest. In the comedy, the daughter of the magician Prospero lives on an enchanted island behütetet, preserved from "all the evils of this world" and mentioned in a speech in Act 5 Scene 1, the words "Brave New World". In this sense, the Miranda programming language intended to be an introduction to the Brave New World of Functional Programming.
