Mireya Moscoso

Mireya Elisa Moscoso Rodríguez de Arias ( born July 1, 1946 in Panama City ) from 1999 to August 2004, President of Panama. She is a member of the Partido Arnulf Ista.

As a widow of the former three -time President Arnulfo Arias (1901-1988) she was, after winning the elections of May 1999, since September 1, 1999 President of the Republic of Panama, after yet in 1994 the then presidential elections their opponents, who later became president (1994 -99 ) Perez Balladares, was inferior.

During the election campaign In 1999, she had to promise to fight poverty, improve the education system and to suspend the privatization, campaigned and against the candidate of the then ruling PRD, Martin Torrijos, who later became President (2004-2009), enforced.

At the end of their term of office they had become one of the most unpopular presidents of recent Panamanian history, as their government was exposed to serious allegations of corruption and even the use of their, their own as President, Special Fund ( partida discrecional ) totaling $ 25 million in over five years, only very incomplete wanted to provide information and could.
